Thursday 25 April 2013

Audi A6L

Audi A6 multitronic / manual gearbox, integrated in the history of the limousine for the first time to achieve a true continuously variable. It uses the metal chain drive way, completely replaced the traditional gear set variable speed mode, the power output is no sense of frustration more than ordinary automatic transmission are smooth, also has a manual transmission as fast and sensitive, but also more fuel savings and controlled more comfortable.

 S newly created file to improve acceleration, increased driving pleasure.multitronic / manual gearbox integrated the most fascinating is that it will eventually overcome all the deficiencies of the automatic transmission and manual gearbox, leapfrogged the performance of the two, the car transmission technology leap .

 Comfort and luxury behind Audi nuanced state-of-the-art, and the car refrigerator designed for Audi A6 with mobile, resistance to bumps tilt. Highly stable working state.High-quality TV / DVD system security integrated into the original structure of the Audi A6, versatile, and easy to operate, the electric senior mahogany desk can be described as careful as ergonomic touch of a button, you can open or put down the table plate , extensible, adjustable angle.


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